Three IT Services Your Company Needs Right Now
If you read our blogs, good for you, because you already know what a scary world it is out there in regards to keeping your data safe. (And if you don’t read our blogs, get after it.) While some IT services are great at making things more convenient, there are others that are downright necessary – and if you don’t currently have them, you need them. Like, right now. Here are just a few.
You Need BDR (Backup and Disaster Recovery).
If you don’t currently utilize BDR in your company, well – ‘tsk, ‘tsk, ‘tsk. Good luck trying to get back your data if/when any of the followings happen:
- Hard drive failure
- Server crash
- Hardware theft
- Disaster (fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, etc.)
- Data hijacking
All of these items can and do happen to businesses on a daily basis. The only ones who can get right back to work are those with BDR. Those who do not get to try their hardest not to become one of the 60% of businesses that fail after a significant data loss. So, yeah. Of all the IT services, you need BDR. Totally.
You Need Cloud Computing.
*RING!* “Um, hey Phil. It’s Carl. Yeah, I’m on that business trip in Sauk Rapids, and . . . Uh, yeah – I kind of forgot the Simmons file. Could you – maybe – go into my office, log into my computer, and email me the file? Oh, you’re having lunch? I’m sorry . . . Yeah, I – I kinda need it right now.” Yeah, those phone conversations are no fun. But with cloud computing, you can seriously log into your cloud server from any computer and download any file you need from anywhere! Now, you can get right to work, and Phil can get back to his Quarter Pounder and fries. Yep, you need cloud computing.
You Need File Sharing & Collaboration.
You’re working at home on a large presentation. The event is in an hour, so you give it one last look over before you copy it to your jump drive and head out. When you arrive, you copy your presentation to the projector computer, and the performance begins. Suddenly – on the lovely, giant screen – you notice several of your graphics aren’t showing up, some pages are out of place, and you have at least one misspelling on each page – with one particularly unfortunate misspelling of the word “shirts.” And now, all 200 of your attendees are seeing them, too. Nice. Had you had file sharing & collaboration, your staff could have quickly noticed the mistakes, and corrections could have been made before the presentation. So, do you NEED file sharing & collaboration? We’re thinking yes. Like, right now.
TekConcierge Can Provide You with These IT Services. Like, Right Now.
Well, okay. Maybe not this very second. But very quickly, TekConcierge can analyze your current setup, design the whole infrastructure and IT services for your needs (and wants!), and get you going. Like, right now. Metaphorically speaking, that is. But – yeah, like – right now.