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Disaster Recovery

Adoption of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms like Microsoft 365® remains high even as in-person work opportunities return. Assuming your data is completely protected by your cloud application provider is a mistake that could have devastating consequences for your business. Remember, the loss of business-critical data can result in costly disruptions and operational downtime, hefty regulatory penalties, reputation damage, or even the loss

In IT services, disaster recovery and data backup are often conflated since they both refer to tasks that are essential to keeping your business running when an unplanned interruption causes you to lose sensitive and important data. However, these two terms are not synonyms. While having appropriate data backup and a maintaining a comprehensive disaster recovery plan for data loss

The Biggest Challenge to IT in the Future is Security "The biggest challenge to IT in the future is security. Security could negatively impact connectivity to public networks. If these problems cannot be successfully addressed, I envision a time of closed, private networks and less information sharing. The risks now are so great and getting worse every day that we even